September 24, 2009

Yesterday when Derek and I arrived to the hospital little man didn't have his CPAP on. What a sight to can actually see his cute face!! They were giving him a break from the CPAP and were trying to see how the nasal high flow cannula would work. They told us yesterday that they will slowly wean him off of the CPAP by having him do the high flow for 1-3 hours, 3 times per day. Last night when we called to check in on how his afternoon went they said that they were going to try to just stick to the high flow and only go back to the CPAP if needed. Just checked in this morning and he is still on the high flow and his oxygen levels have dropped a bit!! GO NOLAN!!! What a special treat this morning to hear this. We know that he could very easily go back to the CPAP but it sure seems that things are improving. He is also still under the photo therapy lights as his bilirubin levels haven't dropped to the level they need to be quite yet. It looks like he's lying in a tanning bed with his sunglasses on!! :)

Yesterday we also spent over an hour with him while he was awake. Here is picture of him when they were giving him a break from the lights and CPAP. This little break only lasts for a short while but the poor guy needs a break from all of that stuff on his face! I can't wait to stare at his face all of the time without the wires and tubes! He's so precious.


  1. Way to go Nolan! We are so happy to hear that he is improving and love seeing the pictures! What a handsome little man! We are always thinking about you and praying that he will be home with you soon!

    Landon, Rachel, Owen & Alex

  2. What great news!!! Thanks again for all these updates. He is sure a cutie and looks like he is just hanging out catching some rays:) You all are still in our thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to meet the little buddy soon! Keep up the good work Nolan!

    Love Adam & Megan

  3. Good Job Nolan. What a cutie he is!! We can't wait to meet him :) Thanks for all the updates Em.

    Amanda and Justin

  4. He is absolutely beautiful and he looks so peaceful. I am so happy that things are going so well. Soon, this will all be a memory and you will be home together.

    Jane Fazio

  5. Oh my, what a cute little man you have! He looks so healthy & calm. What a trooper. Love the updates & look forward to more good news each day. xoxo S.G.M.M
