September 21, 2009

Spending time with Tessa...

Derek and I came home last night to an empty house. It was strange enough coming home again but even stranger to come home to Tessa staying over with my mom and dad and Nolan still in the hospital. We discharged after only one night since I was feeling so good and was definitely ready to move out after being there for almost one month! Leaving yesterday made it possible for us to spend more time with Nolan today at the hospital. Tessa was at daycare all day today but tonight she finally came home to mommy being home! I was soooo excited for her to come home and she was rather surprised to see mommy home. It's great to be at home while at the same time a huge part of my heart is still in the hospital in the NICU. We keep praying that Nolan will continue to be strong so our family of four can finally begin. The three of us will be traveling to the hospital tomorrow morning for Tessa to meet her little brother.

Pretty much the same news with Nolan. He still needs assistance breathing and the nurses are still saying he is doing well. Today when we arrived at the hospital Nolan was under lights to avoid jaundice. He had a cloth over his eyes to protect them with sunglasses printed on them. It was pretty cute to say the least. His glasses also matched Daddy's sunglasses so we took a few pictures. They are both pretty darn cute!

The nurses also informed us that it usually takes a premature baby 3-4 days to produce surfactant, a chemical needed for breathing. Hopefully in the next few days we will see some improvement in this regard and we can hold the little munchkin. I am saving up my snuggles and charging interest. At this rate we will snuggle until Christmas!


  1. It is so hard not to be able to hold them, but it's so great when you do get to for a moment. I can't wait till I can hold her anytime I want to... Can you hold his hand through the isolette or anything? Haley loves having a hand on top of her head and holding onto a finger! We'll be praying for some surfactant and some big improvements for Nolan, along with our prayers for Haley to be successful when they take her off the ventilator tomorrow. Thinking of you always!
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Hale

  2. I am so glad that things are going so well. I would love to see pictures if you can post them.

    With Love,Jane Fazio

  3. Hope Baby Nolan is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. We continue to send our prayers. Welcome home, too. I bet Tessa is over joyed to have you back :)

    Amanda and Justin
