September 2, 2009

One week later...31 weeks and 4 days pregnant

It is very hard to believe that we've been here at the hospital for one week. Hopefully the next two weeks will go just as smoothly and quickly. I enjoyed another wheelchair ride with Derek and Tessa last night. Tessa was excited to ride in mommy's big "stroller" again. It's so fun having her snuggle up on my lap. She and Derek spent a few hours here before heading home. Tessa is still very intrigued by all of the buttons in the room and mommy's tube in her arm (IV). She'll be coming in tonight with Derek again for a short visit while Uncle Kevin and Aunt Abby come in too. Today was her first day of daycare with our new provider so hopefully she'll have a lot of stories for me from the day. I know that she'll have so much fun playing with the other kiddos there and will love her provider.

Everything seems to be the same here. Today will be the last day of my antibiotics. Originally they told me I'd be taking them until I had the baby but I only need to take them for seven days. Honestly, I think that everyone is still surprised to see me sitting here. I was told yesterday that 90% of people that have their water break will deliver within seven days. Today is day seven...I'm aiming to be in the 10%! I've still been feeling pretty well and am constantly feeling the baby move around. The feeling of the baby moving around feels kind of different since my amniotic levels are so low. But boy it's a great feeling to feel that movement! When my doctor stopped in today we chatted about the weight of the baby. I wasn't sure how fast the baby would gain weight. She said that on average at this point that a baby will gain about 1/2 pound every week. So that means that the baby may already be a 1/2 pound heavier than when we came in to the hospital. And to think that if I'm here for two more weeks that the baby could be 1 pound heavier. They would be so exciting!

Hopefully it stays just as uneventful for the rest of the day as it is right now. Mom crashed on the air mattress last night and can't wait to do it again tonight! :) My room is actually starting to feel quite cozy but it could be because I have so much stuff here that the nurses have to move things around every time they come in. I guess if I'm going to be here for one month that I need it to feel like home as much as possible.

Enjoy the beautiful weather today.

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