September 13, 2009

Now the countdown begins...

Once again there is not a whole lot new here in my "apartment". Starting at about 4:00 this morning I started to have some contractions that were actually painful which I haven't had yet. They continued until about 5:45 and went away...thank God! They were starting to make me a bit nervous and I just kept praying that they would go away. My body is definitely getting ready to deliver this little one but we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can make it until Friday. Today has been very uneventful since that happened this morning. I love when things are uneventful.

Derek stayed last night and mom is coming back tonight for another round on the mattress. Tessa and Derek are coming back in this afternoon to visit again for a little while. I really look forward to her coming! The last two times that she has been in to visit she has responded really well to me and everything that is going on around me. I think she's adjusting to mommy being in the hospital and now the big adjustment will be when mommy comes home. I can't wait for the adjustment of when the baby comes home! As much as it will temporarily rock Tessa's world, bringing the baby home will be the best feeling in the world!

Have another great week and keep enjoying this summer weather. Here's to another five days of the Pertzborn's hanging out in the hospital patiently waiting for Friday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Been checking your blog daily for info and updates. I'm so glad everything is going so well and that the finish line is in sight!

    Love and prayers - Mark
