September 28, 2009

Snuggle time!!

Nolan had a really good 24 hours. I know that things could always regress but with how he's doing I can't help but be extremely optimistic! Derek went in last night to spend some time with him alone...boy time! He held Nolan the entire time he was there. He fed him his bottle, snuggled with him, probably talked a few football plays or throwing techniques, and even got to change his poopy diaper! He has the littlest, cutest, tiniest butt... Last night when Derek left, Nolan was still on the high flow with his oxygen machine hooked up but no extra oxygen was being given, just some added pressure. Today when I went in I knew something was different. Oh yeah...that big pole with all of the machines on it is gone!! He now has a nasal cannula that hooks right into the wall. They are giving him a very small amount of support...a little pressure and a very small amount of oxygen. The nurse commented several times how well his breathing is compared to where he started. She saw him one week ago and can't believe how far he's come. His bilirubin levels are on the rise. They are giving him until tomorrow to lower them himself and if that doesn't work, under the lights he goes with his sunglasses on.

To think back one week ago and how far he's come...I wonder when he'll come home? I wish we had an answer. I can't wait to get an answer to this mystery question! He is slowly gaining some of his weight back. This morning he weighed 4 lbs 11 oz. He is still eating 40 mLs of milk. Today I was so excited to feed him his 12:30 bottle but the little guy wouldn't wake up. Darn...maybe next time! So instead I fed him his lunch through the syringe. We are heading back in tonight and will be there for his 9:30 feeding. I'd love to see him eat out of his bottle! Can't wait to see what the next few minutes, hours, days will bring for out little guy.


  1. He is adorable guys!! Congratulations on such a good 24 hours! And I can definitely understand the disappointment in a baby too sleepy to eat, I will be praying for stronger appetites for both Nolan and Haley as soon as possible.
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley-bug

  2. Yay Nolan, keep up the good work :) I think he looks a little like Tessa!! So cute.

