September 29, 2009

Check out my new I can talk to my friends that are here with me in the NICU during the day since I'm not caged in anymore!

I can't wait to get home to play with my big sister...she is SOOOOO much bigger than me!

Last night Nolan spent his last night in his incubator (hopefully for good)! Starting today he's moved into a crib!! (Well...they call it a crib but it's not as cozy as his crib will be at home!!) He is starting to regulate his own body temperature which is what was making him stay in the incubator. He continues to have a nasal cannula with a small amount of oxygen. Last night Derek and I left around 11 pm. At that point they were going to try to not have any cannula in and see how he could do on room air. He did well for about four hours but started to get really tired...breathing is really hard work for out little guy! So they gave him a break today and put the cannula back in. As of last night they also thought that he would need the phototherapy done today for his jaundice. Nope...his levels dropped overnight so no sunglasses for our little Nolan! Hopefully this level continues to decrease so we are in the clear of him being jaundice. He's been a really sleepy peanut these last 24 hours so eating out of his bottle has been difficult for him. He did take his 6:30 bottle tonight when we went to visit. Tessa loved spending time with him for about 4 minutes and once mommy and daddy started to hold him, she was out of there! We can't wait for him to come home so we can all transition into our new life together. When Nolan comes home our family is going to hibernate for the winter and flu season!


  1. Seriously, he is sooo cute! I can't get over it. Gary wanted me to add that he looks like Derek. It's so great that he's doing so well. We also can't believe he decided not to wear his sunglasses on such a sunny day!! :) xoxo

  2. What a precious picture; the first one of the two little darlings together. Nolan looks wonderful. Thank you so much for updating us so often. I look forward to reading them and seeing the new pictures.

    Love, Jane Fazio
