September 24, 2009

Five days old!!

Mr. Nolan is sure being a trooper! We arrived to the hospital this morning to see that they had placed him back on his CPAP. He was starting to get very tired with just the high flow so they were going to give him a three hour break and put him back on the CPAP. His CPAP level was at 24% all day so he's really doing well. He is still working very hard to breath so he does have a ways to go. They've started giving him more food and he seems to be taking that really well also. He was awake for a while today again which is always so fun. His bilirubin came back with a good number so for now he doesn't need the phototherapy. Lucky guy gets to take off his sunglasses and look around! I'm heading back in tonight and there is a possibility that he'll be on the high flow so I'll be able to see his gorgeous face. We are also hoping that he'll start eating more and more! When he gets to eating a certain amount they will be able to take out his last line that he has in his umbilical cord. Slowly but surely he's getting there! It's so much fun watching him get stronger and stronger!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the updates. Is there anything you need? (meals, babysitting etc) Please let me know.

    Jane Fazio
