September 8, 2009

From Tessa

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for being so nice to my mommy because she is a nice lady and a great mommy. I miss her snuggles and especially miss mommy putting in my pony tail. Daddy always pulls my hair when he puts in a pony. Plus, it just looks like crap and I'm not going to be strutting around not looking my cutest. I pretend I don't hear him when he mentions any animal followed by the word tail. I know that his pig-tails hurt and his pony-tails hurt. I am not going to take my chances on a cow-tail or sheep-tail (although I don't actually know if sheep have tails).

Daddy and I have just been hanging out watching Dora, drawing pictures, reading books, singing songs, eating stuff mommy doesn't let us, and wearing our Crocs together because mommy doesn't let us wear shoes in the house and Daddy says if I don't tell he won't either. I will have to admit it is getting tiring picking up after Daddy and I am excited for Mommy to come home to help me keep him organized. This morning he forgot my baby and blanky when he dropped me off at Grandma's. What kind of daddy forgets that? Next thing you know is I'll be giving myself a bath and changing my own diapers! I might as well move out.

Mommy started doing this neat trick last night where she gets inside our computer and talks to Daddy and me. I like to see Mommy, but sometimes she does it right in the middle of Dora and it's hard to decide if I want to see Mommy in the computer or watch Dora. If Einsteins were on it would be an easy decision...but Dora?! Plus Mommy always wants me to give the computer a hug and a kiss. It was fun to try at first because I got to stand on the desk, but now it's getting a little weird and she's going a little overboard. I am trying to get Daddy to get me an I-Phone so I can kiss Mommy on that screen. We are in the midst of negotiations.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support.



  1. Funny Daddy...Don't worry Tessa girl...I will be home soon to put in your pony tails! You can wear whatever shoes you want around the house peanut...just teach daddy how to use the vacuum. :)

  2. Isn't Anonymous a famous Greek mathematician?
    We all miss you at school. Hope everything continues to go well.
