September 6, 2009

32 Weeks and 1 Day Pregnant!!

I feel like I am saying the same thing over and over and over...which is a good thing for us! Everything still seems to be pretty much the same. Once again a few changes (that you don't want to know about:)). Around noon today I was monitored again for contractions and the baby's heart rate. The heart rate looked perfect which is always great to see. I did have a few small contractions within a rather short period of time but they kind of disappeared again like we want to see. Once the real deal starts there won't be anything that can be done to stop them. Right when I see myself living in my new "apartment" for two more weeks (until week 34 when I would be induced) something changes and is a wake up call that any minute labor could start. I keep hoping for a bit more time but I suppose one of these times I'll be sounding greedy. We are already very thankful for the eleven extra days we have gotten!

Poor Tessaroo has some sort of bug! She was possibly going to come in today to visit but that isn't going to happen. We did get the webcam set up so we were able to talk to her using Skype (thanks a ton Meg and Jennifer!!). Oh how badly I wanted to reach through the screen and grab her! I love being with her when she is sick to take care of her. Luckily, she was with my mom and dad (and Jess and Beau's family too) so I know that they are taking great care of her. Derek stayed last night with me but went home this morning to take Tessa home. Let's hope that it's a bug that goes away very quickly and doesn't spread to others!

Hope to have the same to report later and tomorrow! Stay healthy, enjoy the weather, and enjoy the long weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work Em!!! I hope Tessa is feeling better soon! She has got to be ready for her new role as big sis. I talked to Jess today and I am very excited to see if she will have a big brother or sister;) We are rooting for you guys!
