September 25, 2009

Pajama time!

Nolan has had a really good 24 hours. He's had a few ups and downs but overall has had a very stable 24 hours. Last night we were told that he may no longer need the CPAP but after arriving there this morning they told me he did need a break throughout the night so was given the CPAP for three hours. He was so relaxed today and seemed so calm. He had the high flow the entire time I was in there. I love it when he has this because he is definitely much more comfortable. When they put the CPAP on him he is starting to try to push it off of his face. I was in the hospital for about four hours and just watched him sleep. He kept smiling and smiling. I'd like to think that he was smiling because he knew I was sitting there staring at him rubbing his belly and was smiling at me, but I'm sure it was the sleepy smiles. Either way, seeing a smile on his face brings tears to my eyes. With everything that he has going on and all of the pricks, pokes, tubes, and wires...he still finds time to smile in his happy dreams.

When I arrived today, he was dressed!! He had the cutest little dragon jammies on. It was so cute seeing him in clothes. He no longer has any lines in his belly since he is now intaking 40 mLs of milk...YEAH Nolan!! We hope that he continues to increase this amount so he doesn't need an IV put in for more hydration. I'm very anxious to see how he takes a bottle. We have to wait a bit longer until his breathing rate stabilizes. So many fun milestones to look forward to before he comes home! I can't wait to see and be there for each one of them!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how strong Nolan has gotten in just a short week! We are all so happy for your family and pray the progress continues. Thanks for the updates and wonderful pictures.
