September 4, 2009

Almost 32 Weeks...

Once again, nothing new to report from my "apartment" (aka hospital room). At least it is starting to feel like my new apartment as I have everything here from home that I need to be comfortable. Well of course except Derek and Tessa. They would make it feel a bit more like home. I've been sleeping relatively well during the nights except for last night. I swear the nurses were having a party from about 1am until 3am. I know students have just moved back to campus but I didn't realize that they partied up on the 2nd floor of the hospital. If only I would have known in college...we could have ventured to the hospital!!

It seems like my life has come to a complete standstill and it definitely takes me a few minutes to remember that life is going on like normal outside these walls. The first week of school for my students is almost over, Tessa loved her first week of daycare, Mitchell is almost done with his first week of kindergarten, and such exciting news for our friends (can't wait to meet baby Cameron and congrats to Jilly and Clint!!). It's crazy to think that I've been sitting in the same bed while all of these exciting things have taken place. But once again, because we have such great family and friends the time here has gone very quickly. Trevor - maybe next time you come visit Tessa will be here to play with you and your trucks!! She's going to love her bubbles too...thank you!

Enjoy Labor Day weekend. I keep saying that I hope it being Labor Day weekend doesn't change anything about our labor for us!! :) I hope to be sitting in the same spot when the long weekend is over.

Enjoy the beautiful temps outside today and over the long weekend!

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