September 19, 2009

He's here!

Nolan Michael Pertzborn was born on Saturday, September 19 at 5:52am. He weighed 4 pounds 14 ounces and is 18 1/2 inches long.

Nolan came into the world with a mighty scream, which was a relief because this meant his lungs were functioning. Emily held Nolan for about five minutes before he was swished away to the NICU. Since then Nolan's lungs have shown signs of prematurity and he has needed assistance in breathing. He currently has a CPAP that provides extra pressure in his lungs to keep the aveola open. Doctor's are still very optimistic and we are as well. No idea what is next.

Emily and I are doing well. We would really appreciate a day of rest with no visitors. We appreciate everyone's prayers and support, but Emily slept none last night and I slept one hour. We will need to rest to be ready for a little hell-raiser named Tessa on Monday.

Emily, Derek, Tessa, and Nolan


  1. Congratulations on the addition of little Nolan Michael to your family! I've been following everyday through your blog. Thoughts, prayers, and good wishes for all.

  2. Congatulations! I am so happy for all of you! Glad to hear we are keeping up the streak of baby boys going!

  3. Congratulations Pertzies! We are so happy and proud of you guys! We can't wait to meet Nolan!

    Love Jason and Angela

  4. Way to go guys!! Our thoughts and prayers will stay with you and we can't wait to meet him!!

    The Burros Family

  5. LOVE the name & Congrats to big sister Tessa also! We are super excited for you guys & will continue to keep you in our thoughts. Hopefully those lungs dev. fast & you're out of there soon. Can't wait to see pictures of the cute little guy. xoxo S.G.M.M

  6. Congratulations a million times over on the arrival of Nolan! Haley is also currently on CPAP, so I'm pretty sure it's something all the cool kids are doing these days! ;) You'll be in our thoughts and prayers, as you have been for the last several weeks in particular.
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley

  7. I am so glad that your little one made a grand entrance. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

    Jane Fazio

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  9. Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Nolan!

    -Anne, Grant, & Andy

  10. YAY, GREAT NEWS! Hope all is well! Congrats! :)
