September 12, 2009

33 Weeks Pregnant!!

Congratulations Chad and Kristy!! You've brought a beautiful baby girl into this world and I can't wait to meet her! Haley is going to be spoiled with all of the love that is being sent her way!!

Congratulations on your big wedding day Leah and Kevin!! We sure wish we could be there celebrating with you...can't wait to hear the stories and see the pictures!!

I'm loving how the time is ticking away. I feel like it's been a year since I've been home or have driven a car but at the same time it seems to be going by so quickly. A week from now our lives will be changed forever as we go from a family of three to a family of four. Can't wait to meet this little one who is so anxious to join our family. We still are so very thankful for the extra time that we have gotten. We are hoping for six more days for the little one to keep growing and growing and growing and growing!!

Have a great weekend. This weather is starting to get a little out of it ever going to be cloudy or rainy again?? Bry - I feel like we are living in San Diego with this weather!! :) Soon enough I'll be able to enjoy the weather before fall comes our way. Perfect weather today for the Badger game...have a good one!!


  1. Hey Emily! I look forward to reading your updates everyday. You and D have such a positive outlook on life, even when you’re thrown a curve ball. You are an inspiration to us all! I can't wait to meet the new addition :)
    With Love,
    Melissa and Stoffe

  2. Thanks so much for the congratulations!! We are totally in love! And a big congratulations to you too for making it to 33 weeks - how awesome! Here's to 6 more boring days for you! Glad Tessa and Derek are feeling better and could come and visit. I've been getting lots of stroller rides too (around/to the hospital), and they are quite fun. ;) Wish Haley could ride on my lap like Tessa rides on yours. Can't wait to see pictures of your new munchkin in a week!
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley
