September 23, 2009

We got to hold him!

Talk about making my heart melt...we got to hold Nolan last night for the first time since he's been in the NICU. It's up to the nurse that is working with him if they are comfortable taking him out of his isolette. We hadn't had a nurse yet offer this to us. Many prefer not to take him out with all of the lines and tubes that he currently has. But last night was our lucky night!! The hardest part was letting him go. I suppose it wasn't that bad since I only handed him over to Derek to hold but watching him get put back into the isolette was crushing. It's where he needs to be but I hope and pray that we will be holding him at home soon. He handled the holding like a pro so maybe, just maybe, we'll be able to do it again soon! He's such a tiny peanut but a tiny peanut that is so strong. We know he's going to get through this little detour before coming home.

His numbers stayed stable all through the night on Monday and all day yesterday. He wasn't showing much for signs of improvement but being stable is a great sign. He was given some real food for the first time yesterday...not a steak and potato yet...but the good stuff he needs for his immunity and weight to build up!! He has a feeding tube in his nose and they use this little syringe to feed him the milk. Because his CPAP takes up a majority of his face they aren't going to use a bottle yet. Last night Derek gave him his third feeding of the day. Hopefully he continues to take the food and show that he's digesting it. So far, so good! Derek and I are heading in there this morning to spend the day with him while Tessa goes to play with her friends at daycare. Everytime we go to the hospital we never really know what we are going to get. We just pray for him to be stable but pray even harder that he's improved.

1 comment:

  1. That must have felt so good! Every day will get you that much closer to bringing Nolan home. I cannot wait to see him.

    Jane Fazio
