September 20, 2009

I'm moving out!!

Twenty-five days later I'm moving out! It's been a pretty crazy ride but worth every minute of being here. I'm so happy that we made it as far as we did into the pregnancy. Today when we were getting updates on Nolan they mentioned quite a few things that he doesn't have to have done because he is 34 weeks gestational age. Things would be quite different if he would have been born when we first arrived to the hospital. Nice job being patient Nolan!!! He did so great throughout our entire time here while we were waiting for week 34 and we hope and pray that he continues fighting just as hard!

Not much is new today compared to last night. He still is on the CPAP and probably will be for at least a little while. During the night he had five apnea spells, which meant the oxygen level in his little bubble was increased. The air we breathe is 21% oxygen. At one point last night he was receiving 51% oxygen, or 2 1/2 times as much oxygen as we are accustom to breathing. When Derek and I went to bed last night his level was at 38%, so it had increased quite a bit. Because of both the apnea and oxygen levels changing a bit, he recieved a dose of surfactant directly to his lungs. When I first arrived to the hospital I received the two steroid shots to help his lungs develop. This is the same things that was given to him last night.

The nurses said that he has shown improvement and do not seemed too concerned. They are all sweet-hearts and we feel very comfortable where Nolan is staying, although we would obviously like him to be snuggling with us at home. Derek is already coming up with exercises for him to do to increase his arm strength as a quarterback. When he started talking about Camp Randall I stopped listening.

We are planning to go see him in the morning and will call the NICU tonight to get an update. Hopefully things keep improving.


  1. Try to get some rest. Nolan is in wonderful hands. Thinking of you all.

    Jane Fazio

  2. Congratulations on Nolan doing so well - I'm confident he will keep improving and enjoy Camp Randall soon! :) You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley
