September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!!

Quite a few people have asked about posting comments on here. Sorry it's been so confusing! I played around last night with a few of the settings of the blog and finally figured out how to change the comment setting. Before you had be a registered user of to post a comment but now anyone should be able to. The only reason I'm mentioning it is because so many people have mentioned that they have tried to post comments and it wasn't working. :)

I'm still hanging out in my apartment on this lovely Labor Day. Labor Day it is...but not for me...and I hope it stays that way for the rest of the day! From the beginning of our hospital stay, doctors sure made it sound like me going into labor was going to be sooner than later but their frame of mind seems to be changing a bit. My doctor this morning seemed really optimistic that I'll make it until 34 weeks which is just under two weeks away. Of course this can change in a matter of a second but for now nothing is leading them to believe that the baby is ready to come. They made it sound like I will be induced right on the 34 week mark (Sept. 19) or possibly the day before (Sept. 18). Heather - our kiddos may possibly be sharing a birthday! It's kind of strange to have an end date in mind while at the same time very exciting! My stay here is just over half over before we have the baby. I hope that the next 11-12 days go just as quickly as the last 12. It will be a very strange feeling to walk out of this building after we have the baby.

Mom got her turn on the air mattress last night. She was the lucky one to then push me for one of my daily wheelchair rides outside. Wow, it's nice out today! I think that the weather has been perfect everyday that I've been in here. That makes it nice that I can get outside for the few minutes rather than if it was raining. I wouldn't be able to get out at all then. Derek was going to stay tonight but we had to change the plans a bit. Lucky Jessie will be taking over night duty tonight while Derek stays home with Tessa. Derek and Tessa spent about four hours at urgent care last night because Tessa had a fever for over 24 hours that seemed to get higher and higher regardless of her taking medicine. After the four hours they learned she just has a virus. No ear infection and no strep throat. Hope the virus goes away so she can come in to visit again soon. Boy I miss that munchkin. Derek now has the bug too. We keep hoping that it is short lived! I guess if they are going to get sick that now is a better time than any. We won't have time to be sick after we have the baby!

Happy Labor Day! Good luck with last minute preparations Leah! We wish so badly that we could be there next weekend to help you celebrate your wedding! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the stories...I'm sure funny stories are guaranteed from your day! Wish we could be there!


  1. Hi Emily! So glad to hear that today hasn't been a labor day for you! We're thinking about you & hoping that all is well. Again, wish I was there to hang w/ you during the day. xoxo

  2. Happy Un-labor day to you! (And me!) Tell Derek & Tessa we hope they get well soon!
