September 10, 2009

32 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!!!

I feel like I say the same thing every day...and I LOVE it! Nothing new again today!! It's been very uneventful with no changes at all. The baby continues to do jumping jacks in my belly which is always great to feel, the baby's heart rate continues to look great on the monitor, and my vitals continue to look as they should. Hopefully we stay nice and stable like this until next Friday. One week from tomorrow...I get the chills thinking about how excited and anxious I am.

Tessa and Derek are coming in tonight after school before my mom comes to get her so Derek can stay overnight. Now that he is feeling better he's able to come stay again. I hope that we can go on a stroller ride and hopefully daddy will push us really fast!! :) I haven't seen Tessa since last Wednesday and I really can't wait to see her. She has to be wondering why mommy still hasn't come home but soon enough I'll be home. My time here is going very quickly and we hope that the next week flies by!

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