September 9, 2009

Two Weeks Later...

Wow Tessa, you sure are a good writer for just turning two! I knew that you have changed a lot since mommy has been in the hospital but boy, you sure have gotten quite the vocabulary. Did daddy really let you stay up until 10:30 when you made a new post on the blog last night? He sure is spoiling you! Pretty soon I will be home to help take care of daddy. :) If you and daddy still aren't feeling well enough tonight to come in, I'll see you in the computer before bedtime.


Nothing new here in my lovely "apartment". Well, actually there is. I got to open my window today!! For the first few days we were in my room the nurses said to keep the windows shut. Today my nurse walked right in and opened the window. It feels so great to have a fresh, cool breeze blowing in the window. It really is refreshing. My doctor stopped in this morning during her rounds. I didn't have much of anything to report to her which is always good. She told me that she has set a date for an induction if I do not go into labor before then. We are really holding onto high hopes that we will make it to that point where I need to be induced. I'm scheduled for next Friday, Sept 18 around noon. That will be the day before I am 34 weeks. I'm hoping this munchkin keeps growing and growing before that day. We are so excited to meet our new addition. It is very exciting to think that is just over one week away (and hopefully not a day sooner!).

Mom had so much fun here last night that she'll be having another slumber party tonight. I can't believe what troopers everyone is being about staying overnight. Really I could handle a night alone. A few nights ago my nurse kind of told us a horror story about something that could happen because my membranes are already ruptured and now I've been told definitely no overnights alone. It was quite the story right before bed. I'm hoping Derek and Tessa are feeling better today to come in. It has been recommended that they are symptom free of any sort of sickness so we'll see how Tessa's day went at daycare. If she still is holding on to that runny nose they won't be coming in. It's already been a week since I've seen her (besides on Skype). Oh she is going to get tickled when I see her!

It's hard to believe I've been here for two weeks. We can't emphasize enough to everyone how much your support and friendship is helping to get us through this.

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