October 29, 2009

Watch out for dinosaurs!

Here we are trying on her halloween costume for the big halloween party at daycare this week. "Tessa honey, what would you like to be for halloween this year? A dinosaur. How about a princess or lady bug again this year (this is what she was last year)? No, a dinosaur...or maybe a pirate." This is about how our conversation went for figuring out what she wanted to be. Can you tell that she looks up to her two big boy cousins?!?!

Finally someone can ride in the stroller with Tessa! Poor girl has been riding in this stroller for a few weeks with no one in front. What a good invention this was...a sit-n-stand! Here we are riding to the park a few days ago when it wasn't that chilly out.

This is about as close to playing at the park as Nolan will get this year. Poor guy doesn't know the fun he's missing. Crazy Tessa and daddy in the background being goofy.

We are all doing pretty well. Tessa finally got over whatever it was that she had. Derek came down with very similar symptoms to what Tessa was displaying when she was sick. He's been out of commission for a few days and we are looking forward to a healthy household. So Nolan and I are dodging the germs. I won't mind if the germs attack me but they better stay away from our little guy. Given the worries about the H1N1 it was recommended that our family get the vaccinations to protect Nolan. Luckily we were able to get them this week before we get too far into the fall. One less thing to worry about...I've done enough worrying for this year!

Happy Halloween (in a few days). Bundle up...sounds like it's going to get chilly.

1 comment:

  1. The dinosaur is cute. I went through the same thing (kind of). I told Lauren she was going to be a mouse for Halloween (which she was last year) and she said, "No I am not I am going to be a butterfly." I didn't realize this and had to go on the hunt for a butterfly costume. So tomorrow night look for the pink butterfly and the little green turtle.
