October 13, 2009

I'm so cute without any tubes on my face!

Yesterday morning I went into the hospital and they had just taken Nolan off of his oxygen. I was SOOOO excited. Of course I sat there all day just staring at his monitor making sure that his levels stayed right where they should be. He had a really good day...actually a really great day. I stayed there all day and left yesterday evening very optimistic about him coming home soon. I wanted to call a million times throughout the night but I held back. This morning I got up, paced around the house for a while, and finally called. I asked to speak with his nurse. She got on the phone and started the conversation by staying, "Emily, I don't want to be the one to say this...". I knew right away that the little man was back on his oxygen. Darn. We were so close. He had lasted about 18 hours off of it but throughout the night his O2 levels dropped where they needed to put his cannula back in. It was like a punch to the stomach. We are so lucky that he is healthy as can be, or will be healthy as can be, but right now it seems like we aren't going to get over this last hurdle. I anticipated that he would go back on his oxygen but I was hoping that I was wrong.

Yesterday while I was at the hospital another family came in to take their little boy home and he also had been put back on his oxygen. So this family went from coming to the hospital with everything to take him home to leaving without him and no anticipated day that he'll come home. This next little while seems like it is going to be the most stressful part of the past few months. We talked yesterday and it looked like Nolan was coming home Thursday. Now because he has gone back on the oxygen they won't give us an estimated day. Our 5 year wedding anniversary is this Friday and I was hoping and praying for the best anniversary present in the world...Nolan coming home. He'll be home soon just not as soon as we had hoped.


  1. Come on little buddy...


    (hope this link works if not type "you can do it" into youtube)

    - J-Bird

  2. It is so hard to have to wait for something you want so badly. I know it will come, but in the meantime please stay strong. This will soon be a distant memory.

    With love to you all,
    Jane Fazio

  3. What a cutie!! You can tell how much he as really grown. Now this one last little hump to get over. YOU CAN DO IT LITTLE MAN!!!

    Still thinking of you all and wishing like crazy for Nolan's health and homecoming! Happy Anniversary too. Time sure goes fast.

    Love Megan

  4. Hi Pertzborn's! You guys are doing so great & WAY TO GO Nolan for breating on your own for 18 hours!! That is a long time! We know you're anxious to get him home very soon. We have continued to keep you in our thoughts as always :) He's going to get quite the homecoming party very soon!! xoxo

  5. Sorry, signed in as Gary! xoxo The Brown's!

  6. I know this is late but I just had to comment - no tubes is the most exciting thing ever, and I'm so sorry it didn't get to last! :( I remember when Haley had to be put back on the ventilator after she'd been extubated and seemed to be doing so well post-op, it was devastating! But keep hanging on, you'll get home eventually! We're praying for you guys as always.
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley
