October 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Bryan!!

Happy Birthday Bry! Wish I was in San Diego celebrating with you! Having a party in the NICU just isn't the same as partying on the beach!

Nolan officially got his feeding tube taken out yesterday since he is eating so well from his bottles. What a great sight it is to see him with less and less tubes each day. The only tubes left are the most important ones of all...the tubes for his oxygen. He continues to be very stable with the small amount that they continue to give to him. The doctor yesterday mentioned to me that some little ones can take a long time to get off of this small amount of O2. I hope our little Nolan isn't one that takes a long time. Of course he can take as long as he needs but boy oh boy we are getting anxious to bring him home!

Welcome home to Chad, Kristy, and Haley!! What a long road you've been on and what great news it is to hear you are home. Enjoy snuggling with little Miss Haley at home!!


  1. Oh my, he is so handsome. I can hardly wait to hold him. I am so happy that things are moving along so nicely.

    Jane Fazio

  2. Congratulations on getting his feeding tube out - I remember what an exciting day that was for us!! He's adorable, wish we were there to celebrate Bryan's birthday with all of you, Nolan looks like he's having a great time! :)
