October 10, 2009

Nolan's had a really good few days. For a few days earlier this week his amount of extra O2 that they were giving to him didn't really change. They had been giving him between 75-125 mLs of O2. Starting yesterday his numbers (saturation levels) started looking so good that they began lowering his extra oxygen that they were giving to him. He was handling it really well. He was handling it so well that today when Derek was there they tried to completely remove the extra oxygen and have him just breathing room air. It didn't take long to see that he does indeed still need some assistance. They turned the O2 back on and his numbers climbed right back up where they should be. The extra oxygen level is so low that they are giving him that if they turned it down any lower he would be breathing room air. Little man just isn't quite ready to be weened off of the extra O2. Mommy and Daddy are ready...but it's up to Nolan. I'm starting to think that he kind of likes it in the NICU...there are so many cute girls that are next to him.

He weighed in today at a hefty 5 pounds 14 ounces. In the next few days, we are going to have a 6-pounder! It's so great to see how he's gaining weight and that everything else is really go very well. Things could be so much worse. We are blessed to have the worries that we have. Things would be so much different if we would have delivered when my water first broke in August. Everything is going to be just fine...we just need to keep being patient for a bit longer. Soon enough we will look back on this experience and chalk it up as one of those experiences that helped us to become better people.

Happy weekend.

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