October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Nolan!! 1 month old...6 pounds 13 ounces

It's my birthday today and this is what I get for a treat...another bottle of milk? Where is my cake and ice cream? Maybe they are saving the real party for me when I come home!! Rumor has it that my mommy, daddy, and Tessa are a little excited for me to come home.

I love my little brother Nolan. The other night I made my mommy cry again. All I said was, "Mommy, Nolan coming home soon right?" And she started to tear up. Then I said, "Mommy, I love him." Mommy broke out into a full-fledged cry. :)

Nolan had a really great weekend. For both days his oxygen saturation was right around 100% and he didn't need any assistance at all with his O2 levels. We are hoping for a really good 24 hours with no desats. If he doesn't have any desats he'll be coming home really soon. I'm not excited, we aren't ready for him to come home, Tessa doesn't talk about him all of the time, and we hope he stays in there for a few more days. (It's kind of difficult to even read what I just wrote but maybe just maybe talking this way will make it happen...I obviously would never wish any of those to be true but if I share how excited I really am I truly think that I'll jinx it!!!) He'll be coming home really soon if he keeps up the good work...not today and not Wednesday but someday in between. :)

Can't wait to share the news that he's coming home...or even more exciting news that he's home! We are keeping our fingers crossed!


  1. Happy Birthday Big Guy! Hope you give your Mom and Dad a nice surprise... not today, or Wednesday, but somewhere in between:)

    Tessa you are way too in tune for a two year old. Quite the smart young lady!

    Looking forward to some big news!!
    Have a great day-

  2. OMG!!! You guys are sooo close! We'll definitely keep all 40 of our fingers crossed for you guys over the next few days. I'll be checking in CONSTANTLY waiting for the news!! Happy B-day Nolan!
    xoxo The Brown's xoxo

  3. I'm totally not excited for you either!! :) Can't wait to hear from you not-tomorrow!
    -Kristy & Haley (&Chadmo)

  4. Happy Birthday Nolan....praying for a trip home soon....everyone is so excited for the big day :) Mom and Dad and Tessa are doing such a good job being patient!!!

    Amanda & Justin
