October 22, 2009

Home Sweet Home

After cousin Mason held Nolan for three hours, it was finally my turn! I'm still a bit confused about this whole situation but overall I'm handling it sooooo well!

I love being home.

We are loving all being home together. Nolan has officially been set free from the NICU for 48 hours! Whoo hoo!! He did come home with a monitor. It will be great when he is unhooked for good but for now we are completely satisfied with these extra precautions that his NICU doctor recommended. If all is good and the monitor doesn't have any real alarms (because it already has had its share of false alarms) then he may only need it for three more weeks. They think it's a good idea to keep him on it until two weeks past his due date. We all know how time flies so the three weeks will be over before we know it.

Thank you to everyone for all of your friendship, love, and support throughout this whole experience. What a crazy few months we've had. I never thought I was going to be a "blogger" but I'm going to try to keep this blog going. If you are ever interested in what is new in the Pertzborn household, take a peek at our blog.


  1. You don't know me, but I stumbled accross your blog by clicking on "next blog" at the top of our blog. I couldn't help but notice that your family has just gone through almost the exact same ordeal that my family has.

    We had our first son on Sept. 4th and he was 33 weeks premature (4lbs 5oz). I also had ruptured membranes at 26 weeks, and spent 4 weeks in the hospital and 3 weeks at home on very strict bedrest.

    I am happy to see that your story turned out with a happy ending, just as ours has. It is nice to read about others going through a similar experience. Sometimes it feels that nobody could understand!

    Take a look at our blog:

  2. I cannot tell you how much I have appreciated your blog. I was able to keep up with you without having to call. Thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you.

    Jane Fazio
