October 15, 2009

Not quite time to come home :(

This morning was the same as the last three...I paced around the house and debated if I was going to call the NICU to see how Nolan's night went before heading in or wait until I get there to get the update. Nervously, I called. His nurse Julie that he had today is the sweetest person ever. She nicely explained his night to me while my heart sank. He had done really well last night until about 11:00pm. From 11:00pm-2:00am his oxygen level sank a bit low and stayed that way for long enough that they were concerned. They decided to put him back on his cannula. It only took a few puffs of the cannula to get his levels back up. She was explaining to me that the doctor was more concerned that it only took a few puffs to come back up. Generally babies need 24-48 hours of oxygen to get their levels back up and Nolan only needed a few minutes of it. This is the third time this has happened. They are going to watch him over the next couple of days to see what happens with his levels. He was only on the O2 for a short while in the middle of the night and today when I was there he was doing really well off of the cannula. I sure hope that he stays off of the oxygen. I asked what would happen if he keeps going back and forth with the oxygen and she nicely said to me "we'll explain that if that bridge comes our way". I loved that answer. As I asked the question I wasn't sure if I was ready for the answer. His nurse seems very optimistic that everything will be fine so why worry about what might happen when it very likely will not happen.

1 comment:

  1. Don't explain if you don't want to - but why would the doctors be more concerned it only took a few minutes of oxygen to get his levels back up? I would think that would be a good thing... And yes, don't worry about problems until you have to - life's too short for that though it's hard advice to follow!
