October 24, 2009

My mommy and I were working on some strength training. What do they expect...I'm only five weeks old (or negative one week like my mommy likes to say) and they want me to train already?! I can't quite do a push up yet but am getting better and better at holding my head up. I suppose it will get more difficult to hold my head up when my cheeks get bigger and bigger and bigger...

It's so great being home. Everyone seems to be adjusting just fine. Tessa is adorable with him. Of course she has her moments of being a two year old but overall she has been great. Derek heads back to work this coming Tuesday so that will be the real test. I'm sure there will be some silly stories of what Tessa will try to do while Mommy is busy with Nolan. It makes it a bit tricky to hold Nolan while Tessa wants some attention. Poor Nolan is still hooked up to his machine which is plugged into the wall. It didn't take Tessa long to figure out that when we are holding Nolan we can't get to her because he's "plugged in". She constantly wants to tickle his toes and pat his head while saying "nice, gentle, I'm being so nice". So cute! Of course it only takes one second for this nice "gentle" pat to turn into something different. So scary while at the same time so much fun. We've been waiting for these moments for a long time. We are so happy they are here.

I knew he was growing quickly but I never imagined he would grow this quickly. We had our first appointment yesterday with Dr. Chao. 7 pounds 6 ounces, can you believe it!?! I suppose that is pretty little for being five weeks old today (happy b-day Nolan) but boy oh boy he's growing like crazy. They measured him on one scale and had to verify using another scale that this was correct. Sure enough, our little guy is growing like a weed.

So far Nolan sleeps just like is sister did when she was little...like a champ. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this continues. Tessa hasn't been disturbed in the night from Nolan or his monitor. Hopefully that continues too!

Enjoy the sunshine today!

1 comment:

  1. Uh, so much exciting news. I hope everything continues to go well for everyone. 7 1/2 lbs already....what a chunk!! Can't wait to meet this little man, soon.

