October 14, 2009

6 pounds 5 ounces...Go Nolan!!

Now we are really on the edge of our seats! I went in today and spent the day with Nolan while Tessa went to her daycare provider who she LOVES! After learning last night that Nolan was off of his oxygen I was very nervous this morning before heading to the hospital. I debated on calling like we do every day but today I didn't. It was such a bummer yesterday when we called and learned that he was back on his oxygen that I thought today I won't call and that I'll just go see for myself. I was sick to my stomach the entire ride to the hospital. I'm pretty sure that I was sprinting down the hall when I finally arrived to the hospital. :) I so badly wanted him to still be off. I arrived and his face looks so darn good without his oxygen prongs! He's off!! Derek went in tonight and spent the evening with him and he is still off!! If he continues doing what he is currently doing (which is breathing completely on his own...YIPPEE!!!!), he will come home Friday. I'm not sure how I am supposed to sleep until Friday since we will be on the edge of our seats the entire time as we play the big waiting game again. This waiting game is way more stressful than any other game I've ever played in my life. I wouldn't recommend this game to others (however...if a little munchkin like Nolan is what you are trying to "win", this is the best game in the world and I would recommend it to everyone)! :)

We do know how easily he could need a bit more oxygen but it's hard to not get very excited. Oh I so badly what my little guy home. Soon...I know...but I want it really, really, really soon. I'm praying for Friday. Friday is our anniversary and this would be the best present in the world. I hope tomorrow when I arrive I can see his chubby cheeks without those tubes draped across his face!! Come on Nolan...you can do it buddy!

1 comment:

  1. Go Nolan Go Nolan!!! Hope today is going well :)

