October 26, 2009

Everything continues to go very well in our household. Nolan is sleeping most of the day which means he is probably growing, growing, growing. It's so great that weight gain isn't a concern with him as we know it can be a concern for many preemies. He's on his way to being twice as big as he was when he was at his lightest weight of 4 pounds 7 ounces. He'll be 8 pounds before we know it.

Tessa has a little bug which has put a damper on her energy level these past few days. She's been a bit uncomfortable with a fever. Hopefully it goes away as quickly as it came on. Even with the fever she is being a great big sister. So much going on and now the poor girl is sick. I'm sure this is what the fall and winter will all be about but I hope that we can keep Nolan very healthy throughout this scary flu season. I was worried about bugs being brought into our household and now I'm worried about others coming over and getting sick from us!!

Nolan's monitor had quite the workout today. Nolas was perfectly fine as he was wide awake in Derek's arms but the monitor was having a bit of an issue. This horendous screech that wouldn't stop! It would not turn off. We aren't actually sure what triggered it but it would not stop! We had to call the company to ask what to do and the only way we could call is if we put the monitor in the car which was in the garage. It's so loud that we wouldn't have been able to talk to them if we kept it in the house. The monitor had something wrong with it that they had to deliver a new one to us today. Nolan had a four hour break from the monitor today while we were waiting for the new one. It was a great break from the wires and makes us very excited for what's to come...a free man! Kind of scary to think that the monitor was malfunctioning but now we have a new one. Hopefully this one works better! :)


  1. hi em.... I am so glad to hear that you are all home!! Congratulations! Nolan is super adorable.... so is Tessa of course:) We cant' wait to meet your newest addition!

  2. Hello! We are so glad to know that you are all finally home, safe and sound! We have been thinking about you all over the past few months and it has been so nice to get little updates from your blog...what a great idea to keep people in the loop! We can't wait to meet Nolan and to see Tessa and you guys again...hopefully soon!
    Kevin & Tammy
