October 16, 2009

Another very good night!

Derek called the NICU this morning on his way to work (I'm finding myself a bit too nervous to call and it seems like bad luck when I'm the one calling to check on his nights!). They had all good news for us today. When Derek called he was currently sitting in his carseat having his carseat test done. They have to monitor him for a period of time making sure that he can handle sitting in this position for a certain length of time. He was doing really well with it when Derek talked to the nurse. He had a great night with no desats (no drops in his O2 levels) and he continues to be off of the oxygen. Tessa is going to my parents once again to play with Grandma and Grandpa tonight so Derek and I can go spend some time with Nolan together. We may grab a bite to eat somewhere besides the hospital cafeteria (which actually has great food) to celebrate our anniversary but more importantly we plan to spend most of the evening with Nolan. I can't wait for Nolan to come home. Tessa is so confused about this situation and we can't wait to have him home. She's going to be such a great helper, great big sister, and is going to love Nolan so much.


  1. That is such wonderful news! It sounds like your little guy is just about over the hump and ready to come home. I think of you all the time. Thank you so much for the wonderful updates. They have meant a lot of everyone.
    Jane Fazio

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I would suggest a splurge over hospital food to help celebrate :) The car seat test sounds like Nolan is close to having one foot out the door. WONDERFUL News!! Have a great weekend and talk to you soon Em.

    Love Megan

  3. What great news! Keep it up Nolan! We're praying that you are home snuggling with your Mommy and Daddy and big sister really soon! Happy Anniversary Em & Derek! Five years already...time sure flies!

    Landon, Rachel, Owen & Alex

  4. What a wonderful anniversary present - GOOD NEWS! :) It's the next best thing you could wish for short of actually taking him home! Sounds like you're getting so close, we are very happy for you guys! Happy 5th year anniversary!

    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley

  5. Happy Anniversary Pertzborn's! Hopefully Nolan will arrive home soon & then the real celebration can begin. I bet he's super cute in his car seat too! xoxo
