October 20, 2009

I'm Home

Look at all of my cousins on this poster that they made for me. I can't wait to meet them! Can you believe that the silly rules in the NICU wouldn't let my cousins come visit! I can't wait to play with them. We are going to have so much fun together!

We walked through the door of my house and was greeted by my big sister Tessa. She was so excited to see me. She kept telling mommy and daddy "my little brother home".

This is way more comfy than the isolette or crib than I've been sleeping in for the past month! I snuggled right into it when I was done with my first feeding at home and I love how soft it is. I'd be a bit more comfy if I wasn't connected to my monitor with the leads but pretty soon I'll be a free man of all of those wires. It's all worth it to be home!

Dear Friends,

Mommy and Daddy were finally able to bring me home today. They are excited for all of you to meet me and I assure you...I am worth the wait.

I weigh a husky 6 pounds 14 ounces, which means that I gained 2 pounds in the last month. Daddy put on 6 pounds in the last month too. He doesn't seem so happy about it. Maybe he wanted to gain more.

It was really just time for me to get out of the NICU. There were some benefits though. About 75% of the babies in there were girls, which is a nice ratio for myself. Once I put on those 2 pounds I could hardly fend off the chicks. Luckily the nurses were there to help and told them that I needed my rest, which was a lie. It got them off my back though. I'm not ready to be tied down yet. Not until I explore these non-preemie chicks. I hear they're wild.

Another good thing about the NICU...milk...all the milk you can eat. All I had to do was peep a little bit every three hours and they were shoving milk down my throat. Sometimes they would wake me up to feed me milk when I wasn't even hungry! I even bathed in milk...just kidding....but you can imagine.

Anywho, I'm home now. My sister Tessa is enormous. She must eat a lot of milk. My mommy and daddy have been spending the majority of their time protecting me from her. I just hope she doesn't try to steal any of my milk because we will have issues then.

I am excited to meet everyone. Remember, if you come over, wash your hands, don't come over if you are sick, especially if you have H1N1, bring milk instead of presents (the whole bathing thing is still intriguing), and don't expect me to be awake...it's hard work drinking all that milk.



  1. So I've been checking like crazy all day... I'm about to go to bed & told Gary to check once more...YES!!! We are so happy for you guys. Finally a family of four @ HOME!!! We look forward to meeting Nolan very soon. Let the celebration begin. Have a fantastic 1st night at home Pertzborn's!!! xoxo The Brown's xoxo

  2. Congratulations a million times over! It's truly the best feeling ever, finally getting to bring them home! YAY!!! Words cannot sum it up!
    -Kristy, Chadmo, & Haley

  3. I've been following your blog for updates daily. What GREAT news! Made my day, as I'm sure it made yours. *thumbs-up*

  4. What wonderful amazing news!!! Congratulations Pertzborns. We are so happy for you!! Enjoy having Nolan home, I am sure that is the best feeling in the world. He is a lucky boy to have such great parents and an adorable big sister. Good luck!!!

    Love Adam and Megan

  5. Welcome home Nolan!! Hope your first night at home was great. We can't wait to meet you, but it will have to wait a little while til I get over the sniffles....

    I am SO happy and excited for you guys. Enjoy your two little ones at home :)
    Lots of Love,
    Amanda and Justin

  6. What wonderful news!! I cannot wait to meet your new son. I will TRY to hold off until next week before I come over and I will call first.
    With love,
    Jane Fazio

  7. I am so glad you all are together in one place and it is home! I hope the transition goes well for everyone and I cannot wait to see cute little Nolan...


  8. Welcome home Nolan!! We are so excited to hear that you are all comfy at home. Once you are good and settled we would love to come see you!!

    Lauren and Brielle Burros

  9. Yea! Welcome home Nolan!

    Anne, Grant, & Andy
