August 26, 2010

One year ago today...let the bedrest begin!

We all have those times in our lives that we will never forget. Those moments that you can remember exactly what you were wearing, or who you were with, or exactly what time it was when this or that happened. I'm not one to remember details that is for sure. I always said with Tessa when she did all of her "firsts" that I would remember exactly, I didn't need to write it down. WRONG! I need to write everything down if I even want to come close to remembering the specifics.

But one year ago today I remember every little tiny detail from about 4:00pm on for many days to follow that. One year ago today was when I wondered if many something was a little funky with my pregnancy. Am I leaking amniotic fluid? No...I couldn't be. Well, indeed this is the night that we went to the triage to learn that yes, indeed my suspicions were correct. What a night it was. I have to be honest that I was very, very, very frightened. I remember it all like it was yesterday, not one year ago. It brings chills to my spine thinking about how I was feeling that night. Scared...really, really, really scared. Especially after the Neonatologist came to visit and give us the low-down of what to expect when we delivered that night (as most everyone thought I was going to be delivering). To think one year ago today how desperately I wanted to wake up from the nightmare and come back home to my family and enjoy the last ten weeks of my pregnancy just as I had naively done with my pregnancy with Tessa. I was supposed to be starting my school year that next day, not a month of bedrest! But someone had a different plan for me. I'd instead spend the next four weeks in the hospital before having Nolan six weeks early. Although our "plan" was altered a bit last year, I couldn't be happier now. Last year I never would have pictured that Nolan was going to be as healthy as he is now. Not to mention HUGE! We are lucky, so very, very lucky.

Here are the latest pics we had taken of the kids. (Tessa - 3 years old, Nolan - 10 months old) They are a bit blurry. My two pride and joys that made this summer so very memorable. Off to school tomorrow to begin another school year. See you next year summer break. It sure was a fun one:)


  1. The kids are so big now and absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

  2. I can't believe that's it's been almost a year since Nolan was born. This is one of those days I will always remember too, it makes my heart race thinking about it. Can you believe that there was not one cloudy day the whole time you were in there? I'll always remember the permanent air mattress on your floor, your nurse experiences, Dr. Bathke b/c she's so awesome, but most of all the unexpected ultrasound I got to come to where we both secretly discovered you were probably having a boy!

    You guys did awesome, I often told people how I admired your strength both while you were on bedrest, but mostly when Nolan was in the NICU for those weeks after.

    And I love the kids' new pictures!
