September 8, 2010

Congrats Darren and Becky!

Derek and I are off to the races with another school year! It seems that each year the school year starts and we need to hold on tight because time just starts to cruise. This year is no exception. If anything this year I'll have to hold on more tightly. Life just seems to be a bit more crazy (and fun!). The kids have started back at my mom's and at daycare with Stephie. Tessa is LOVING being back at daycare and Nolan is still figuring it out. He loves Stephie but isn't quite sure about the craziness with all of the other kids. It sure helps that Mason and Marah are there too. Today he had kind of a meltdown when Derek dropped him off. He settled down a bit but when Jess got there to drop off her kids he had another meltdown when she left. Oh how Nolan loves his Aunt JeJe...

This past weekend was sure a great weekend. We got to hang out with great friends and great family. To top off the weekend we had a fabulous wedding! Everything (from my perspective) was perfect. Becky made an absolutely beautiful bride (which I wasn't surprised about at all) and Darren was as handsome as ever. Not to mention Lexi the miniature bride. Just as beautiful as her mommy! Thank you Darren and Becky and Lexi...we had a great time celebrating with you!

The Mitchell cousin clan...well, some of us. The best thing about our family is that sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between being family and being friends. Always such a great time! It's not the best pic but it's the one that was taken with my camera. (Thanks mom...or Nanc...or maybe Travis!!) Sorry Matt...looks like you were hiding behind Mandy:)

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