August 5, 2010

Fun in the sun

The pics below really sum up our last few weeks. It's been really hot outside (for here at least...) so we've been staying cool by playing in the water. Anywhere there is water Tessa and Nolan are happy! A new favorite is our crazy sprinkler that sprays water all over the place. Nolan always grabs the little sprayers and sprays himself and gets so mad because the water is freezing. He hasn't quite caught on that he's the one that is doing it. It's pretty funny.

Hard to believe that summer is starting to wrap up. We have a lot going on in the next few weeks so we definitely aren't saying it's over but the end is in sight. It's been a truly wonderful summer. After last year and how last summer ended, I wasn't sure what this summer was going to bring for our family. Now Tessa is three, Nolan almost one, and we are loving life with the four of us. Soon Tessa and Nolan will head off to daycare at my mom's or Stephie's, Derek and I will head back to school, Derek will begin football, and the time will keep on cruising by. We know how lucky we are. We've been trying to enjoy each day as it comes our way because we know how fast time goes.

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