August 17, 2010

Tessa and those darn molluscum

Poor little peanut Tessa had quite the procedure done last Tuesday (the 10th). Tessa has these little bumps on several places of her body that we knew what the were...molluscum. We knew that they can take 2-3 years to go away, they are harmless, and they can spread when they are scratched open. It is very unlikely that adults will get them as we have already built up an immunity to them. BUT the problem with Tessa's is that most of hers are right on top of her what in the world do we put on her eczema? So off the dermatologist we went.

Tessa did soooo well during the whole appt. They gave us about four different options for treating her molluscum. I wanted the one that would hurt the least because really they don't bother her at all, just the eczema underneath them. Indeed they chose the one that hurt the least. About one hour later after they had applied all of the medication she started to get very uncomfortable. Yes, the procedure wasn't going to be painful, but oh my goodness, the next four days were very painful. Still today she says that certain spots hurt. They put a blistering agent on her molluscum that can cause blisters. Usually the child will wake up the next morning with blisters that will subside very quickly. My little munchkin has such sensitive skin that it took about two hours for the blisters to start. And boy did they come quickly. It was sooo very sad to see her so miserable while at the same time we knew after a short time she was going to be just fine. Her appt was at the Children's Hospital and just walking around in there for five minutes I knew I was the lucky one that was going to be leaving with a healthy child with blisters that would go away shortly. Many parents in there would give anything to have their worries be blisters.

Not to mention that Tessa slept in her bed all night that night without getting out once!! WHOO HOO!! That was short lived and the only reason it happened is because the poor girl couldn't walk AT ALL! We did enjoy a very easy bedtime even for that one short night. Since then...the going-to-bed-game continues. Oh yes, it is still going strong:)

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