August 26, 2010

To the zoo we go...

The weather was BEAUTIFUL today! We are trying to enjoy every last bit of summer that we can. Today we woke up to such a beautiful day that we decided it was a great day to be out and about. So to the zoo we went! It was perfect out. We had a blast visiting all of the animals and Tessa wanted her picture taken next to each animal statue. Tessa is not a picture girl so I had to take advantage. Below are a few of the shots we got! Nolan is always such a trooper to whatever it is we have planned.

The kids were so great today. We did sooo much today. Derek had to be back at school today for his official first staff day and then had his first football game of the season tonight that he was a bit anxious about. (I spoke to him not long ago and they won...WHOO HOO!!) So today was devoted to Tessa, Nolan, and I together. We started the day with a trip to the Mattel toy store (thanks Aunt JeJe for the gifts and the awesome discount!!), then headed to the zoo, of course had to hit up the zoo park for our picnic lunch and play time, and then we took a tiny snooze on the way home. We arrived home late afternoon to unpack the car and grab a quick bite to eat. It was too nice out to stay home so off we went for a ferry ride with my dad to grab some ice cream. It was a beautiful day full of good moods, lots of laughs, and lots of snuggles with my babies.

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