July 20, 2010

Welcome to the family baby Will!

Isn't it amazing how easily you can fall in love with a baby?? They are so innocent and sweet and really all you want to do is snuggle with them and kiss their soft cheeks. I could stare hours on end at babies to watch their silly faces they make, to catch those infrequent smiles, or just watch them sleep. Yesterday we got the chance to fall in love once again with a sweet baby boy, baby Will (aka baby Gibbo).

Yesterday late morning my mom and I decided it was a great day to drive to Chicago. Derek had a change in his plans so he was able to have the kids and my mom's plans fell through so she was free also. So to Chicago we went to visit Matt, Mandy, and baby Will. Oh man, he is cute. Really, really cute. One of those moments that you look at the little munchkin and they grab your heart and make you say "ohhhhh" a hundred times over again. I've had two children of my own that I love more than anything but each time I see a newborn it still makes my heart melt. It's all so amazing. Congrats to you Matt and Mandy. Will...welcome to the family. We can't wait to snuggle with you again soon!

Proud mommy and daddy! What a gorgeous family!

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