May 31, 2010

What a fun, fun weekend!

We had a great weekend. The weather was perfect and felt just like summer! The weekend started off great, Derek's last day of baseball! Whoo hooo!! I LOVE that he will be here more often with us and that he'll have a chance to finish up on a few things that he still needs to complete for his master's that he'll earn next month. It's going to be so nice to play the going to bed game with someone else on my team...

What a fun weekend. Saturday morning we woke up and packed up our boating items to head on the boat with Brenda and Jeremy. It was kind of a flash from the past cruising around in Mike and Cindy's old boat that they sold to Brenda and Jeremy. It was a lot of fun. Tessa was soooo excited to go but once it was actually time to step on to the boat we had a little bit of a meltdown. It just lasted for a short time and then she warmed up to the whole idea of boating. We went to the sandbar and the girls just loved playing in the water. Evan liked it for a short time and Nolan wanted nothing to do with it! I love spending time with family and friends...and this weekend was full of that!

Sunday we had Clint and Jill's wedding in the Dells. It was a blast. Tessa and Nolan had a slumber party with Grandma and Grandpa while Derek and I stayed the night in the Dells. The wedding was beautiful, Jill was gorgeous, and the night seemed to go perfectly. So much fun. We shared a lot of laughs, a lot of funny stories, and a lot of dance moves (nice work he said yesterday..."no one can ever blame me for having a lot of spirit on the dance floor"). I love just observing all of the action. We have the best friends in the world and I love that we can go months and months and months without seeing our friends and we can pick up right where we left off. Bren and Meg - thanks for the good laugh...loved the dresses!! :) We had a very, very, very late night and of course we are paying for it today. Man, we are getting old! Having the fire alarm go off at 4:00am didn't help anything either. Oh man, you should have heard this alarm. I know that the alarm needs to be loud so it will wake people up but I was concerned that I was going to lose my hearing. I've never been at a hotel that had the fire alarm go off. Sure in college it happened all of the time, almost daily, but not at a nice resort. Of course I headed to the stairs (and Megan, Maria, and Erik too!!) to go outside and I was heartbroken to see all of the families that were carrying their little ones. Hopefully someone from the wedding didn't pull it but I wouldn't put it past a few of the guests:)

Two hours later Derek and I got up and started the day. Derek moving a bit more slowly than myself but we needed to get back for the Memorial Day Parade. Tessa loves parades, even if it lasts ten minutes. We then spent the afternoon at my mom and dad's swimming.

What a fun weekend. I hope that everyone had a great weekend and got to enjoy family and friends as we did!!

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