June 5, 2010

Nolan and his two bottom teeth :)

Just this week Nolan started sitting up on his own and he got his two bottom teeth!! Of course when he is sitting up he has his moments that he starts to fall and there is nothing there to catch him except the ground (and me of course!!). You know what I mean. He'll be sitting there with his toys in front of him and as soon as he starts to tip over his back stays straight as a board but he doesn't know yet to get his hands out to catch himself. So cute. He is starting to sit up to play and I love watching him. You can see on his face how intensely he is focusing on a toy or how hard he is concentrating to press a button to make the music turn on. I always wish I could climb in their little brains to see what they are thinking. Their brains are like sponges...and boy do they learn quickly!

Tessa is doing great. Only three more days at Stephie's (daycare) and one more day at Grandma's and then "...SCHOOL'S - OUT - FOR - SUMMER!". Could you hear the music?? Oh man, I can't wait to be home with the kids. This year started off crazy but has been a great school year. I LOVE my students this year. I definitely do not feel like the year should be over. It's going to be a fun summer of playing, playing, playing, taking a few classes, and of course going to see those cutie-pie boys in Tennessee. I CANNOT wait to get my hands on them.

We had a storm come through tonight and this is what followed it. The camera doesn't do it justice but boy, the sky was beautiful!


  1. Congratulations Nolan! Sitting up will open up a whole new world of fun! And two teeth at the same time, I hope he's still a happy boy and not a crabby teether!?
    The storm picture is super cool, and I think I see an infamous spot on that picture too, don't I?
    Hope your last few days of school fly by!

  2. Seriously Em.....Nolan should enter a cutest baby contest! Hope to see you guys soon. Hugs for Tess and Nolan....

    Love, Bry
