May 22, 2010


I think Nolan officially said "mama". He started doing it a few weeks ago when I was gone one evening and when I got home he looked right at me and said it. Tonight I was in the other room for a few minutes and when I was gone he started saying it over and over again. I like to think that he was calling for me and wanted me to come back:)

PS...for those of you following the going-to-bed-game played by Miss Tessa...we had a huge success tonight! We completely skipped her nap today and oh my goodness was bedtime peaceful. It makes me feel sad to think that maybe the poor girl is just starting to grow out of naps and here we've been pushing the naps everyday. Maybe she just doesn't need them everyday?!?! So confusing. We'll see how the night goes. Hopefully she doesn't get up in two hours thinking that this is her nap. Could be an interesting night!

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