May 16, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Marah!

Happy 2nd Birthday Marah!! Our favorite niece...Tessa and Nolan's favorite girl cousin...(shhhh, she's our only girl cousin or niece!!) We had fun celebrating with Marah at her birthday party. It was very low-key and fun. After a rather long week that started out with Nolan very sick, ended with Nolan feeling better and Tessa still just hanging on to a little cold.

This week we made three trips to the doctor. The first on Monday. Nolan's breathing was getting worse and worse (it wasn't bad enough to head to the ER but we could tell with time that his lungs were getting tighter and tighter). We used the nebulizer on Sunday and we were being hopeful that he'd wake up on Monday a bit better. Not the case. Not the case at all. Poor guy was really struggling. We made an appointment and my great co-workers covered my afternoon classes so I was able to take Nolan in. I have almost no time left to take off because of everything that went on last fall. I used a ton of unpaid time but had to save a few days for the sick kiddos that I knew we'd need later in the year (like now). I never know how many to save! Sometimes I go back and forth wondering if Tessa and Nolan need to be seen or am I overreacting. I knew with Nolan this time that I wasn't overreacting. He was sick. His pediatrician definitely thought the same. He had to take an oral steroid right when we got to the appointment to try to open his lungs up a bit and this helped a little. She talked several times throughout the appt about possible hospitalization but thankfully it never came to that. Right when he looks so big and strong on the outside, we are reminded that his lungs are still a bit fragile.

Wednesday was a recheck for him where she found that both of his ears were infected. So she prescribed a medication for him. Friday was an appt for Tessa that I also took Nolan along to. Tessa had a sinus infection and also got meds but Nolan was still acting really goofy so she checked his ears again on Friday. Thursday night was the worst night that I can recall since having children. I guess that I shouldn't say worst and should say best...I got to hold Nolan almost all night! He needed to be snuggled all night to be comfortable so we could tell that something was up. Sure enough his ears had gotten a lot worse. She changed up his meds and our smiley, kissable cheeks, big boy is back and better than ever. Tessa sure was a trooper this week with sick little Nolan needing so much attention...but darn it girl, this going-to-bed-game is getting old:)

Marah's new camera smile! "Cheese"

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