May 6, 2010

Mitchell Girls "Chicago" Weekend

I'll chalk this one up as another wonderful girl's weekend! Well actually girl's and Nolan:) What a fun day. We started the day at my mom's where she had spent hours and hours and hours doing something really special for all of us. She got fabric ready for us to put together our own throws (or table runner Mandy...loved yours!!!). It wasn't any old fabric it was something very special. Pieces of fabric that live in our hearts and minds forever. The memories just came flowing. Looking at some of the pieces I thought that any second Grandma Mitchell was going to walk down the stairs wearing that floral housecoat, or tell us that dinner was ready and have the chili, cheese spread, and pineapple cake on the table where she would be wearing her striped red or blue shirt on. It's amazing how memories just stick in our minds. It truly is amazing.

After we decided which pieces of "clothing" that we wanted to use in our blankets we tried to lay out our blankets on the floor to piece them together. Mom and Mandy (and of course baby Gibbo too) went to town on the sewing machine. Mandy is already a natural! It was a really fun afternoon (with Tessa and Nolan adding to the craziness for a bit) and before we knew it we were off to Aunt Nancy's for dinner. Dinner, funny stories, laughing, oreo balls, laughing, oreo balls, and I think some more oreo balls. Before we know it the two youngest of all of us (Mandy and I!!) headed to bed. The mom's kept on trucking late into the night but then there were the two that wanted to be in high school again...Jessie and Niki. Sleeping on the pullout sofa reliving prom. I think that the morning came a bit too quickly for them!

It was a great weekend. Always such a great time and I know how lucky I am go have such a great family.

Here's my throw laying on the floor in pieces waiting in line for someone who knows what they are doing to help me!

Becky sporting another favorite of everyone...another floral housecoat. What fun memories...

Before I even explain this picture I'm not surprised at all that a "circle" is directly above Mom's and Nolan's head. Hi Grandma!

To start the day off Mom and Nanc showed us a few pieces of clothing that they had knitted about thirty years ago. WOW, they had some really neat stuff to show us. Nolan is showing off my mom's...umm...her...umm...not sure what to call it but it was an old fashioned swaddle-me blanket...I think. It was a bit stiff and appeared to never have been worn. Nolan was a trooper as he was sporting the sleeping bag-ish blanket. The items that they showed us were really impressive.

Tessa stayed overnight with Grandpa while we went to Nancy' you think she had fun with Grandpa??!??

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! That Patty sure has it all figured out:) Glad you had a good weekend. You are exactly right you have a wonderful family all around. So happy for you Em!!


    Love Tessaroo and Grandpa in the convertible!
