December 17, 2009

Tessa being silly and Nolan going bald at 3 months old...

Tessa doing what she loves to do...drawing and being silly. She is starting to be such a big girl. It's amazing how much she's grown up these past few months. I feel like now that we are busier and now that I'm back at work, she's going to grow up in the blink of an eye. She is such a sweetheart and has been a great big sister! She is loving going to Stephi's during the week to play with her friends and cousins, loves going to JeJe's to play with her cousins, and loves going to Grandma's to play! It's a busy week for our little munchkin and she is loving the action. We are so blessed to have such great family that are helping to raise our kids while we are working.

To the doctor we go again. Well, actually not "us" but my Mom and Nolan. He was due for his second RSV shot December 2 and because of an on and off low grade fever, he wasn't able to go until today. Because of scheduling purposes and with me back at work, the timing worked best for mom to take him on the day she has him alone (no Tessa or Marah or Mason...they are all at Stephi's having a BLAST!). Watch out other three month olds...I'm catching up to you and pretty soon I'll be bigger than you!! Today he weighed in at a husky 12 pounds. Oh yes, that is twelve pounds...T W E L V E pounds! We've been thinking that he's been growing like crazy but we didn't realize how crazy. I never imagined being so excited about weight gain until we had Nolan. Weight was never a concern with our healthy munchkin Tessa, and God knows that Derek and I have never had a weight gaining concern :) so this is new to us. Keep going Nolan!! You can do it buddy! Not to mention that Nolan has been sleeping like a champ. He has been going to bed around 9:30 and sleeping through the night until around 4:30-5:00. We LOVE it! He's changing so much and is starting to be so smiley. Pretty soon we will come out of hibernation and go places. We are going to let the holidays come and go before that happens but soon enough the spring will be here. (That is what I keep telling myself anyways.)

I had to put in the picture below...Daddy kissing Nolan's super bald head. He isn't losing the hair in the back of his head like Tessa did but instead is losing his hair in front. It is so funny. He and Grandpa now have matching hairdos! :)

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