December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We love Christmas. We couldn't decide which photos to place on the blog so we put all of them up! Too many to choose from and too many exciting moments to skip any. After our Christmas at the mom and dad's the parties started rolling. Tessa was the one that actually should be worn out since she's the only one that went to every party. Nolan stayed home from the big parties with either Derek or I while one of us took Tessa. We started Christmas Eve opening presents at our house with just the four of us. Santa came while Tessa was napping. What good timing Santa! A good way to start the evening and the Christmas festivities.

Christmas Eve Tessa and I went to the Mitchell family Christmas. Always so much fun! After our shopping trip a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure if Tessa was going to be too into the Santa thing come Christmas Eve. Oh boy, did she ever get into it. She was so excited. All of the little ones have this glow in their eyes when they see Santa. It's always such a magical moment. Tessa, like all of the others, were beaming with excitement from the moment that they heard the first bell to the second he left. It was adorable. She was very, very excited but wasn't willing to sit on his lab. Maybe next year. :) It was another great Christmas Eve with our family and it was so much fun to meet baby Ryan. Ace and Andrea - he is such a cutie! Can't wait for you to come back again to visit.

Christmas day came around quickly and so did the parties. We started the day going to Derek's parents to exchange gifts. Tessa was very excited about her toys that she opened but really, really wanted to go upstairs to play in the toy room. So she spent a majority of the time upstairs playing with her toys and playing hide-n-go seek with Uncle John.

Then Tessa and I headed to my parents for the Meade Christmas. Once again, great food, good times, lots of chatting and silly stories, and gift exchanges. Tessa was so tired that she slept for most of the time that we were there. She kept asking to go lay down with her "guys" and I felt bad saying no when she was exhausted. We were only staying for a short while so I had to wake Tessa up before the present opening. We all went to the basement but before we could start the Christmas celebrating we had something extra special to celebrate. Uncle "Mikers" turned 60 on Christmas Eve so we started the celebrating by singing Happy Birthday. What a great way to start the celebrations. Tessa and I stayed for only a short while and then Tessa proceeded to Christmas #3 of the day with Derek. Wow, what a day for Tessaroo. We are so lucky to have our families so close that we are able to join in all of the festivities!

I love hanging out at home while everyone else is partying, having fun, and eating delicious food.

Yes, I put my fingers in my mouth when I get a little nervous. I think I heard Santa's bells. Is it really him???

Yep, it's Santa! I better sit in my rocking chair and get ready to stare him down.

He called my name! Can you believe it! I WAS a good girl this year. (Not only was she a good girl, but helped to take stress away from so many stressful situations this fall!! Nolan is so lucky to have her as his big sister!)

Another one!?! I'm so excited that I can't stop giggling! What is it??? A Dora purse with some jewelry and Dora underpants! Maybe I should start wearing underpants and go on the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Always so sad to have Christmas over. Tessa was helping me to clean up Christmas before we rearranged our living space to fit all of the new toys!
A great end to a crazy year.

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