December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

This is picture from tonight at Keva. For those of us in my family that know and believe in the "circle", the picture was very neat. I cropped it so it was just of Tessa but there were many things going on in this picture with many different kids and Tessa seems as if she is looking right at the circle where she could reach out and grab it. I had to include it tonight in my post...

Almost the beginning of a new's hard to believe. This year sure put us on a rollercoaster ride of a lifetime and I couldn't have asked for the year to end any better than it has. We are very lucky for everything that we have in our life. Four months ago we didn't know what to think, three months ago we had a few answers to some of the unknowns but still weren't really sure what our future was going to bring for us. Now we are looking back, thankful that the "loopty-loop-upside-down" part of the rollercoaster ride is in our past, and we are looking ahead to the new year thankful that our ride has stopped and finally He is letting us off. I used to love rollercoaster rides...not anymore! Now I'm too scared to get on as I don't know exactly where the ride is taking me.

We celebrated the beginning of a new year tonight at Keva. A fun outing for kids...lots of kids...tons of kids...hundreds of kids! Derek and Nolan stayed home once again for some football watching boy time and Tessa and I went to Keva. Jess, Beau and the kids were there, as well as Jeremy, Brenda, Sadie, and Evan. Tessa LOVED it! So much fun! There's a short video below showing what Sadie and Tessa did over and over and over again on the mats. Tessa had a difficult time waiting in line to take her turn again because she was sooo excited to run and jump on the mats again. The mats were set up so the kids could do somersaults...Sadie was close to getting it and Tessa just wanted to jump and land on her butt. All of the kids were glowing with excitement! There were so many kids there. As we were running, chasing, jumping all over I actually ran into one of Nolan's nurses from the NICU. I chatted with her for just a few moments and she asked how he was doing, so I of course filled her in that he's growing like a weed. I am starting to feel a bit guilty about always leaving him behind and not coming with us places, but after my conversation tonight with her, she verified that he's doing exactly what he should be right now...staying away from as many germs as he can!

Tessa loved going down the slide (notice how many kids are all over the place on the bounce house...CRAZINESS but so much fun!!). The picture below shows what the bottom of the slide looked like...piles of kids. Mitchell (aka the pirate) and Mas were loving the action too!

Here are a few random shots from the day.Tessa playing hide-n-go seek and never understanding how we can find her so quickly (as she is hiding behind the sheer curtain in Nolan's bedroom!!). :)

Just hanging out being cute. Tessa wishing she was a baby again and reliving all of the moments underneath the elephant toy.

Here's to a happy, healthy 2010.

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