July 12, 2010

Nolan's 9 Month Stats...

To top the weekend off the kids had a great time at the fair. Derek and I had a busy weekend playing softball with our graduating classes and the kids did a lot of shuffling around to accommodate our games. It was a fun, exhausting weekend!! Tessa had a great time on the rides (well, the very slow rides that didn't do anything unexpected) and Nolan laughed the whole time as he watched the rides. He was a bit more serious when actually getting on the ride but he sure had a good time too.

Today I took Nolan in for his 9 month appointment. Oh my goodness do we have a big boy on our hands! Here is Nolan's updated 9 (well actually 9.5) month stats:

Length - 30 inches tall (95th percentile)
Weight - 23 lbs 12 oz (95th percentile)
Head Circumference (Off the charts...which we actually have to keep an eye on over the next few check ups but no use worrying that something might be wrong.)

After Nolan was in the NICU we were told that for the first two years that they would give us his actual percentages and also the percentages for his current stats if he would have been born six weeks later like he was supposed to be. Well today, needless to say, there was no need to give his adjusted percentages. He's nearly 100% (or more) for everything so comparing him to other 8 month olds seems a bit unnecessary. We have a big, healthy boy. Nine months ago I never would have guessed that this is what Nolan would be only nine short months later. We are one of the lucky ones, that's for sure.

Going to the fair with Uncle Beau...do you think she looks excited?!?!


  1. I love the serious look on Nolan's face with Grandma on the ride!!

  2. You certainly do have a big boy and a super cute one too!! He is a miracle baby and we are all so happy things have turned out the way they did. He is precious and such a wonderful little (well big) guy!

