March 5, 2010

An Unforgettable Week

We have learned as the years go by just how quickly time passes. After having children it has proven to us that you can do so much in one day and one week and one month. By the time the week is over it's hard to remember back to the beginning of the week. What did we do on Monday?? So much has happened between then and now that it's hard to remember all of the details. This week the details are all we can really think about. It wasn't one of those weeks that everything blended together. So much did happen but each has such a place in our hearts that each moment will be with us forever.

Starting with Sunday...a phone call that we were hoping wouldn't ever happen. Baby Haley got her wings and flew right up to heaven where I'm sure Grandma Mitchell was sitting and waiting. I can see Grandma's face very clearly in my mind. A smile on her face as she gets to hold one of her great-grand babies while the tears are running down her cheeks thinking the same thing that we are all's too soon. Haley is an inspiration. She will inspire us forever. The prayers continue for Chad, Kristy, and Haley-bug...

Then came Monday, March 1. Derek officially turned 30 years old...yep, that's right, 30 years old. I remember when I was little and thinking about people that were 30. Man, they were old:) Having Derek's birthday on Monday added some positive excitement to the beginning of the week while at the same time it wasn't really the place for celebration. We quietly celebrated and reminded ourselves just how lucky we are. Luck, that's what it's all about. We are a few of the lucky ones.

Then Thursday...last but not least, the triplets! If anyone was ever worried that the "Meade" name wouldn't be carried on for too many more generations, they can think again. Welcome to the world Skyler, Asher, and Ryder. We wish so badly that we lived closer during times like these. Many prayers are being sent your way for a quick recovery for Summer, a very quick NICU stay for the boys who are gestation age of 31 weeks, and strength for J to be the balance and support system for Sum and the boys while everyone gets healthy. I can't wait for the day that we hear that they are going home. That will be like music to our ears.

In between all of the life changing moments that occurred this week for others, it sure was a time for us to reflect on our own life. Another reminder to not stress about those little things, enjoy every moment, and to be thankful for what we have in our lives. Below are a few of the fun things that we enjoyed over the past week. The people that bring sunshine to our day, Tessa and Nolan.

Tessa and some of her buddies...the future trouble makers (if they are anything like their daddies) :)

They finally got out the jumper...whoo hoo!!

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