March 20, 2010

Tessa's Big Girl Bed

Here is what my new "big girl" bed looks like when my daddy and grandpa first set it up...

Here is what my bed looks like with all of my guys in it! Yes, it looks like a zoo! My mommy and daddy used to try to take out some of the animals when I had my crib but each night before I go to bed I count to make sure everyone is here. Yep...everyone is here tonight...20 animals, four babies, four blankets, two pillows, and of course two of Nolan's blankets too. Oh good, now I can go to sleep after all of that counting.

Today we played with Playdoh. My mommy said that we should make the ocean and some ocean animals but all I wanted to make was spiders. We made a spider in each color (and my mommy was even scared of them when she was making them out of playdoh!).

I'm all ready to go fly my kite! I LOVE this spring weather!

Where did my ladybug kite go?? Daddy...bring it back down's too high!

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