March 13, 2010

A little Piano Fondue for us and another sleep over with grandma and grandpa for Tessa and Nolan...

Another sleepover, how lucky! Tessa thinks that sleeping overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's means that they are having a party. A four person party:) They both had a great night and didn't get grandma or grandpa up too early this morning. Derek and I enjoyed a night out celebrating his 30th birthday. We started with a yummy meal in the Dells and ended the night going to see Piano Fondue (a dueling piano group) at Monk's. Fun, fun, and more fun! It wasn't the same as last time Meg, no bachelorettes dancing on the piano (but you sure took it like a champ!!) :) In between dinner and the piano bar we mangaged to do a little shopping to buy Tessa some princess accessories which she immediately LOVED! It was kind of funny this morning to have her dressed up like a princess while she's throwing around her 2.5 year old sassy-pants...sassy princess.

Nolan has started eating cereal which he's been doing really well with this week. Today he gets to start the veggies. If he's anything like his mommy was when she was little, he'll have to plug his nose to get down those peas. He also made a trip to the doctor this week and while he was there he got weighed...18 pounds 14 ounces! YIKES...pretty soon he'll be bigger than Marah (who is almost two years old)! We are in the process of finishing the cans of "magic formula" that we have already purchased and then he'll be on to regular formula. One more step in the direction of leaving the signs of prematurity behind! Woo hoo!

Speaking of premature babies...oh my gosh...there are the three cutest little preemies ever hanging out in a NICU in TN just waiting to grow a bit before they can go home. Seeing the pictures of the boys brings tears of joy to my eyes. They are perfect. Three little miracles and three of the luckiest boys in the world. They don't even know how many people love them so.

Through all of the excitement this week we still can't help but constantly think about and pray for Chad, Kristy, and Haley. We are thrilled to see that the Daily Haley continues as our family enjoys seeing her beautiful face. I begin my day by not reading our local paper, but instead reading the Daily Haley.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Em! I felt like a champ that night. To dance on a piano in front of my mother was not one of my finest momemts:) I am glad you guys had a fun night!

