August 28, 2009

30 weeks 6 days pregnant

So here we are just playing the waiting game, which is exactly where we want to be. It's been a very eventful 48 hours. Wednesday evening I thought that my water had possibly broken, which caused us to head to the hospital to see for sure that is what had happened. After a short exam...sure confirmed that my membranes had ruptured. This was concerning, but even more concerning was that I had a temperature of 100.8 degrees. A fever means an infection. If my temp were to reach 101.0 degrees we would have delivered immediately. We were taken to labor and delivery and spoke with doctors, nurses, and everyone in between within the first four hours of being in the room. Around 8:30pm on Wednesday I received my first steroid shot. The hope is that this shot will help the process of developing the baby's lungs. Ideally the shot will be in my system for at least 48 hours before delivering. I received a second steroid shot 24 hours after the first. They called this the icing on the cake. As Wednesday turned into Thursday my fever subsided...great news! I was being pumped with antibiotics in my IV every 4-6 hours. This will possibly continue until we deliver. Around 3:00am I started to contract every 4 minutes for about an hour. The contractions also subsided...another great thing. Because my water had already broke, when labor starts they will not try to stop it.

Thursday and Friday were much less eventful. Not many contractions, no fever, no signs of infection. Baby sounds great with a very strong heartbeat. We stayed in labor and delivery until around 10:00pm on Thursday where we were then moved to a different wing. The waiting wing where we hope to stay for a long time. We just keep praying for more time. We spent today keeping ourselves busy and listening to baby's strong heartbeat. Taking one day at a time and loving each hour that goes by knowing how much it's helping the baby.

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