August 30, 2009

31 weeks and 1 day pregnant!!

Another day has come and gone and the day seemed overall pretty uneventful. My vitals still are staying right where they should be (no temp!!!), the baby's heartbeat sounds perfect, and I had very few contractions throughout the course of the day. Derek stayed over last night and we woke up this morning to a morning wheelchair ride outside in the crisp, fresh air. Well, I sat in the chair and Derek got to push me around!! :) What beautiful weather this morning. I am able to get three 30-minute wheelchair rides per day. It was definitely needed today when we woke up and saw the sun shining right in...we had to get out there and enjoy it. The doctor that I saw Wednesday night after getting to the hospital stopped in this morning during his rounds. He sounded quite surprised that I have not had the baby yet after seeing what was all going on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. This baby must just know that it's not quite time.

My mom brought Tessa in to visit which is always a special treat. We watched her bear movie and Dora while we snuggled on my bed and then she put together her animal puppets with her daddy (thanks Leah...Tessa loved them!!). We had snacks and I just tried to soak up every second that she was here. It's so hard to have her leave but soon enough I'll have my arms all over her again. After my mom, Derek, and Tessa left, dad and Grandma "Grape" stayed for a while and were able to be my support system as they moved my IV. It wasn't nearly as bad as getting the IV on Wednesday...that was painful! I suggest always being hydrated when needing an IV! :)

Thanks to all who stopped by today to visit! It sure makes the day go quickly when friends stop by. Thanks for all of the yummy treats, funny stories, support, and offer to assist in whatever it is that we need. We really appreciate what everyone has done for us. Derek will be starting school again on Tuesday so things will get a bit more complicated. Luckily, we have the best family in the world who are putting their lives on hold to assist us with everything that we need right now. Jess has heard how comfy the extra bed is in the room so she wanted her chance to try it out. She'll be staying overnight tonight and may even get the chance to give me one of my three wheelchair rides in the morning...her lucky day! We'll be having an ultrasound tomorrow to check the amniotic fluid level and the size of the baby. Keep your fingers crossed for all good news! Still hoping for many more days of sitting around waiting!


  1. Hang in there Emily! Aunt Patty gave an email to my Dad who passed it onto me. Hopefully your week goes smooth! You'll be seeing more sunshine, so let's hope that is a good sign! Say hello to Derek and Jess tonight for me! Take care!


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  3. Sounds like you're in very good hands. Chin up, tummy out, and before you know it you'll have a beautiful new baby Pertzborn for Tessa to play with! Thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love, Mark
